Recording 'S&OP Flavour Day' 2024


Published by Jan Veerman, last updated on

In November 2024 we sponsored the event ‘S&OP Flavour Day’ together with Pigment. Besides a booth to connect with attendees of the event and hear from them their reason why they attended the event and their current challenges, we had a 10-minute presentation just after lunch.

To wake people up from the lunch and grab their full attention, we decided to conduct a short quiz of three questions and asked for feedback by people raising their hands if the answer to a question was ‘yes’. The three questions should trigger a thinking process, should allow the audience to check with their peers how well they are doing compared to others. The three thought provoking questions we raised:

  1. Who in the room can do more than 3 scenarios in a planning cycle?
  2. Who in the room has added their top 20% suppliers added to their planning processes and tools to collect the early warning signals?
  3. Who in the room can add comments and decisions to their planning platform to present to the management team and to analyze for future use to create a learning organization?

The outcomes were unexpected and surprised use. You can watch the (short) recording of our session here and see for yourself our surprised reaction.

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