Recording webinar “Agile planning in volatile times: a reset”


Published by Jan Veerman, last updated on

The recording of our webinar “Agile planning in volatile times: a reset” with Lora Cecere, Pigment and Planadigm is now available.

In this webinar Lora Cecere explains why it is necessary, based on her research, to think about a reset of supply chain planning. After COVID, Supply Chains have changed. From the well known JIT (Just In Time) principle to more stock keeping companies to be safe.

How companies struggle with an increased process latency and not having the ability to create and perform any scenarios.

Jurgen Maas of Planadigm will show how a tool like Pigment can support the proposed reset in Supply Chain planning. He demonstrates how easy it is to support agile planning when you have the right tools in your hands.

The last 15 minutes of this video are Q&A, so you might want to watch until the end. There are some nice thought provoking questions and very insightful answers Lora gives.

Enjoy this recording!

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